Tag Archives: Religion

Message In A Minute: Skin On It

Every once in a while, I watch “television preachers” just for the laughs, but other times, I get so disgusted I can’t continue.

There are some honorable, honest, and knowledgeable preachers with television ministries.

But, there are many who are a collective embarrassment to true believers. It’s awful that this is the example many will see of Christianity. On behalf of imperfect but sincere preachers everywhere, I apologize for that garbage.

Much of television ministry is either rhetorical entertainment or outright theft. Every week promising you, that your blessing/favor/anointing/break-through is just around the corner. Playing on emotions and manipulating scripture to create dependency and cult-like Christian-celebrity worship.

The content is fortune cookie wisdom with a little Bible thrown in for good measure. Like horoscopes with some Christian rhetoric attached. Like simple superstition with eternal promises, if you believe/give/trust enough.

Then, when real life happens, and it does for each of us, all of that superficial, pseudo-spiritual nonsense causes you to be disappointed in yourself and ultimately doubt God’s goodness.

Don’t let that so-called theology be what represents Christianity for you. You can’t build your faith on any of that. You can’t change your life or the world with that drivel.

Real Christianity is as much faithful patience as it is being overwhelmed with special favor.

As much crying with those who have no tears left, as it is wiping away tears.

Much more celebrating in the blessings of others, over seeking blessings for ourselves.

Its as much joining in the questioning with someone, as it is providing every answer.

It’s as much admitting our own flaws, as it is correcting the flaws in the world.

It’s much more about giving a voice to the voiceless, than flowery and emotional pep rallies.

It’s as much falling apart in God’s presence, as it is coming together.

Real Christianity has skin on it, it walks in close contact with God Himself on one side and broken humanity on the other, all the while bridging the gap in between.

It’s Heavenly minded and down to earth at the same time.

It’s messy, it’s overwhelming, it’s beautiful.

Be familiar with who God really is, and you will never fall for a cheap version again.

Be open to what God wants to do in your life, then be ready to experience unconditional love, unchangeable truth, and unending peace.

-Tom Wise