Tag Archives: False

Message In A Minute: Skin On It

Every once in a while, I watch “television preachers” just for the laughs, but other times, I get so disgusted I can’t continue.

There are some honorable, honest, and knowledgeable preachers with television ministries.

But, there are many who are a collective embarrassment to true believers. It’s awful that this is the example many will see of Christianity. On behalf of imperfect but sincere preachers everywhere, I apologize for that garbage.

Much of television ministry is either rhetorical entertainment or outright theft. Every week promising you, that your blessing/favor/anointing/break-through is just around the corner. Playing on emotions and manipulating scripture to create dependency and cult-like Christian-celebrity worship.

The content is fortune cookie wisdom with a little Bible thrown in for good measure. Like horoscopes with some Christian rhetoric attached. Like simple superstition with eternal promises, if you believe/give/trust enough.

Then, when real life happens, and it does for each of us, all of that superficial, pseudo-spiritual nonsense causes you to be disappointed in yourself and ultimately doubt God’s goodness.

Don’t let that so-called theology be what represents Christianity for you. You can’t build your faith on any of that. You can’t change your life or the world with that drivel.

Real Christianity is as much faithful patience as it is being overwhelmed with special favor.

As much crying with those who have no tears left, as it is wiping away tears.

Much more celebrating in the blessings of others, over seeking blessings for ourselves.

Its as much joining in the questioning with someone, as it is providing every answer.

It’s as much admitting our own flaws, as it is correcting the flaws in the world.

It’s much more about giving a voice to the voiceless, than flowery and emotional pep rallies.

It’s as much falling apart in God’s presence, as it is coming together.

Real Christianity has skin on it, it walks in close contact with God Himself on one side and broken humanity on the other, all the while bridging the gap in between.

It’s Heavenly minded and down to earth at the same time.

It’s messy, it’s overwhelming, it’s beautiful.

Be familiar with who God really is, and you will never fall for a cheap version again.

Be open to what God wants to do in your life, then be ready to experience unconditional love, unchangeable truth, and unending peace.

-Tom Wise

Still A Candidate For Grace (Updated 03/28/19)

I wrote the following weeks ago, when it was revealed that Jussie Smollett had likely made up the story of being assaulted. This was before he was charged and long before the charges were dropped.

What Jussie Smollett did angers me, and he should be punished for it.

To fabricate a story that portrays a certain group as evil is beyond wrong. To continue to lie about it and waste tax-payers’ money on an investigation knowing it will lead to nothing is reprehensible.

Also, this whole story belittles the incidents where real discrimination, racism, and hate are actually involved.

But I have this sense that we should be praying for Jussie. A person capable of this much dishonesty and attention seeking is likely unstable. And unfortunately, this type of person could do harm to himself or others.

Usually, I would be trading political jabs, jokes, and points about something like this. And honestly, all that runs through my head. But I need to be a little more mature about stories like this.

I imagine Jussie has a grand-mother or two who’ve prayed for him since he was a little boy, I imagine his friends and family are heartbroken for him. I imagine a loving God who hurts with him at this moment. It doesn’t take away the repurcussions of his actions, but it helps me to not allow my heart to be hardened by cynicism and a media storm.

As a Christian, it shouldn’t take a revelation for me to pray for someone like Jussie. It should be my first instinct. But it wasn’t. I have to let God deal with my heart.

Jussie needs God’s grace, he needs healing, and yes he needs to make amends for what he has done. I’ll leave that last one up to the authorities.

As for me, I’m going to pray for him, and I pray that in the future, this is my first thought when something like this happens, not my last.

I still believe all of that, I need to see with compassion, think with mercy, and speak with grace. I need to pray for people before I talk about people.

But Jussie, like you and I, can keep grace from working in his life by refusing to admit he’s done anything wrong. God’s love is unconditional, but grace only works in a willing vessel. If anyone simply wants to avoid the consequences for their actions, grace isn’t what they need. Those people will find themselves worse off than before.

Today’s lack of accountability, brings a future lack of responsibility.

Societies have met their ruin by neglecting accountability.

What Jussie did still angers me, and Jussie’s continued lack of honesty only makes it worse. But I will continue praying for Jussie, he is still a candidate for grace. It is completely up to him to admit his need for forgiveness. The scary part is this, God won’t force any of us to admit that need.

So be angry if you want, I’m right there with you. But pray for Jussie, and pray that we don’t ever get to the point where we can’t admit it when we are clearly wrong.

It’s a dangerous place to be.

-Tom Wise


Steal Kill DestroyMany Bible verses are commonly taken out of context.

Sometimes out of ignorance, sometimes out of trying to prove a point and other times so that manipulation can take place. Many scriptures on finance for example, have been stripped of their true meaning so that the masses will send money. Or, did you know that “God helps those who help themselves” isn’t even in the Bible? Continue reading