Message In A Minute: Love His People

A few years ago, I was walking in a small town passing out information about a church outreach event. 

This little boy on a scooter started following me. He asked me tons of questions and he needed details on everything. He was hilarious, energetic, and curious. From talking with him, it seemed like he lived with extended family and was not sure where his parents were living. Though he knew they were living separate from each other.

I think he just wanted somebody to listen to him.

He is the reason a local church exists.

Not for big buildings, 
impressive entertainment,
and doctrinal arguments 
for small boys from broken homes, 
little girls with broken hearts, 
and adults with broken dreams.

Only God can put them all back together.

Grace is greater than all circumstances, but grace needs willing vessels to reach hearts. If you are part of a local church, make sure you participate in outreach activities as often as they are offered.

If you aren’t part of a local church, I encourage you to find one that focuses on helping the community it is in.

If you aren’t a Christian, thank you for even reading this in the first place, and I encourage you to investigate Christianity with an open mind.

And for me and my fellow Christians, we have no excuse for neglecting to impact the lives around us.

We are the church, forget the steeple, go into the world and love His people.

-Tom Wise

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