Category Archives: 30 Days Of Gratitude

This is a devotional series to help individuals consider the power of gratitude to change their lives and the lives of people they encounter every day. If you have a dim view of the world, we encourage you to read through this series. It just may give you the spark you need to make a change, or help you see the world a little differently.


Social media can be a harsh place from time to time.  All you have to do is share an opinion on any topic, and it’s as if the social media gods send an emergency alert to every person that disagrees with you.  You can post something and go to lunch, go out for the evening, or turn in for bed, and then come back to your phone or computer and BAM!  A firestorm has erupted.

Social media does not have to be defined by the broadcasting of opinions and defending them.  Whether they are yours or belong to someone else.  Social media can actually be a great way to reach out and deepen relationships. Continue reading


Counting your blessings can be a great way to understand gratitude. Thinking about the people who bless you can bring great joy. Remembering the positive experiences you’ve been through can usher in a new perspective. Understanding God’s grace in your life can fill you with tremendous peace.

Being thankful for the blessings in life is an indication of maturity.

Being a blessing to others is a sign of a Christ-like heart. Continue reading


At the end of the day, it seems that most of us are drawn to all the things that went wrong.  We have a propensity for being disappointed for the things that didn’t go according to plan; that did not meet our expectations; that negatively impacted us; or the people that propagated these circumstances.

When we watch the evening news, the programming focuses on topics that are negative in nature.  The headlines are usually all about what has gone wrong today, or this past week.

If you ask someone how they are doing and then give them 10 minutes to speak, more often than not, their speech will turn to those things that are wrong in their little world. Continue reading


We may find it easy to be grateful for the good things, the blessings, and those who are easy to love.

You should show gratitude for the person who blesses you, encourages you, or helps you out of a tough situation. That is great, we should all be thankful for such people. We should all try to be that kind of person.

But let’s be honest, some people are more difficult to tolerate, much less be the object of our gratitude. To be clear, I’m not talking about an abuser, a liar, or a thief. You should keep your distance from these people. I’m talking about those who have good intentions but seem to wear you out. They may be a little needier than others, or they may often find themselves in various types of trouble. Or it simply could be a person who consistently requires more time than you want to invest. Continue reading