Category Archives: 30 Days Of Gratitude

This is a devotional series to help individuals consider the power of gratitude to change their lives and the lives of people they encounter every day. If you have a dim view of the world, we encourage you to read through this series. It just may give you the spark you need to make a change, or help you see the world a little differently.


In the Gospel of John there is a story of Jesus healing a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years. Can you imagine the gratitude this man felt when Jesus healed him?

You would think everyone who heard about this healing would be grateful. But some of the religious leaders were angry because Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of rest and the religious leaders were more concerned about the rules than the well-being of the newly healed man. Some people can find topics to complain about in the greatest of events.

Jesus let everyone know that “He and His Father are always at work.” The word used for always in the Greek literally means “forever and always, without exception.” So not only can God heal a man on a day of rest, but more things are possible because God is constantly at work. Continue reading


I can remember when modern technology started to take off.  The talk of computers, email, mobile phones, etc., was going to be our deliverance.  These technological advances were going to make us more efficient and give us more time for leisure.  Fast forward twenty years, and people are busy beyond belief.  Every person I talk to is overwhelmed with too much to do.

Can you relate to that?  Are you busy?  Too busy? Continue reading


We all have idiosyncrasies, quirks, and unconventional behaviors. In fact, some of us are just weird.

I used to think that I was normal and others were the weird ones, but I’ve come to realize that normal is a relative term. There really isn’t a “normal” when it comes to people. But our differences are something to celebrate. The fact that you like mushrooms and I can’t stand them is interesting. The idea that I could watch football all day and you haven’t watched a game in years, means we have different personalities. You may have different tastes in foods, fashion, or music than most people. That is a good thing. Continue reading


Being thankful is a mindset.  People that are thankful are people that choose to be thankful.

Everyone of us are faced with things we do not choose, and circumstances we would change if we could.  We are all subject to the poor choices of others and we are all caught off guard by life.  We all have to deal with difficult people and we all deal with failure.  It doesn’t take much time or effort  to convince most people that life can be hard.  But just because life is hard, doesn’t mean we have to be in despair. Continue reading


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

― Albert Einstein

Considered one of the most brilliant men in history, Albert Einstein had a way with words. He gave us this simple concept, and it’s true on many levels. I’ve had my days where it seems as though nothing is a miracle. For me, it wasn’t that everything had a scientific or logical explanation. It was more like everything was mundane and predictable. But, I’ve also had times where it seemed like God was walking with me, pointing out all the wonderful things in life. Continue reading