Tag Archives: Walk

Message In A Minute: Steps of Faith

I have a nephew who has reached a cuteness level which would allow him to get away with anything.

Fortunately for his parents, he has yet to understand the depth of his super power.

Early on there was concern because he was not able to stand or walk at the appropriate age. The doctors ruled out anything serious but the family was rightfully concerned.

His parents tried different motivating ideas, contraptions to assist him, and anything they could think of to help him. Most of all, they prayed, many people were praying for him. Whole churches were praying.

There are a few videos of his first steps that are burned into the minds of those who love him. We all celebrated when he started walking, then running, climbing, dancing and all the things you would expect a toddler to do.

Before the first few unassisted steps happened. My family was visiting his family and in the living room, there was an apparatus that looked similar to the parallel bars you would see in a gymnastics competition. Except it was miniaturized.

My nephew was standing on one end grasping the support rails. His mother supported him until he started his movement. His father was at the other end encouraging him on. My nephew began to take small steps with a smile on his face, keeping his focus on his father.

This “Message In A Minute” conclusion almost writes itself doesn’t it?

The religious world uses the words “spiritual walk” to describe the growth and life of a believer. The church is often referred to as the “bride of Christ,” a symbolic mother for us. And God is our Heavenly Father.

We stumble, we fall, we hear encouragement, we struggle, we take one step at a time. But keeping our Father as the focal point is the surest way to get where we want to go.

How is your walk going?
Are you tempted to give up?
Do you feel like you’re not making progress?

Keep your eyes on your Father, He is the reason we take the steps, and He won’t let you walk alone.

-Tom Wise