Tag Archives: Pilate


Pilate is a very deceptive character in Jesus’ story.  At first glace, one might get the impression that Pilate is a strong calculating man.  A leader of men and a ruler of people.  A decisive man willing to take charge, if you will.

However, when we read the gospel accounts, we find that Pilate is a different kind of man.

Pilate is thrust into a decision making role concerning Jesus, after the religious leaders dumped Jesus on him, then demanded that Jesus be put to death.  After taking Jesus into custody, Pilate performed a thorough interrogation of Him.  Of his own admission, he could find no fault with Jesus.  He came to the conclusion that there was no merit to the claims that the religious leaders brought against Him.  Yet, Pilate lacked the courage to do what was right.  Instead of letting Jesus go, he shipped Him off to Herod as a way to relieve himself of any responsibility. Continue reading