Tag Archives: Determination

Message In A Minute: Take Him On

In the year 1985, a song and corresponding video were released and history was made.

The song was written by teenagers in Oslo, Norway a few years prior to it being a worldwide hit. The teenage boys had formed a band and knew they had a special keyboard riff. The words were added and the song completed very quickly.

After many attempts to release the song, producers and music executives were frustrated that the song never seemed to break through. The original video was simple and the band considered it boring.

The band switched their allegiance to a music producer from the United States. This producer had a great reputation for success. The band felt their work was finally in the right hands.

The new producer arranged for a creative new video to be made.

The video for The song “Take On Me” by the band “A-Ha” is considered groundbreaking and unforgettable. It is consistently near the top of every list of great videos. The song has been heard billions of times. The video is approaching one billion views on YouTube as of today.

The video took a couple days to shoot, but six more months to complete. Artists took the raw video and literally drew ten thousand pictures overtop of the scenes. Effectively creating a video that is part comic book and part real life.

When you believe in something, you keep trying, you keep pushing, you keep moving forward with it.

And when something is valuable to you, you should only trust it to the ultimate producer.

God can take your natural talents, your passions, and your experiences, arrange them His way, and create a life that will stand the test of time.

You have gifts and talents that can be used to bless the world around you.

Take God on, give Him every success and every failure.

Then watch Him produce something that impacts the world.

-Tom Wise