Tag Archives: Deeper

Message In A Minute: Deeper

Last week, while on vacation, my nephew strongly requested a visit to a toy store.

We were shopping at various tourist-centric establishments, but my nephew made sure to let everyone know where he wanted to go.

Once we found a toy store, all of us went inside. My nephew stopped at the very first display. It was an interactive table with lots of motion and bright colors. It was an obvious first stop for a young boy.

We spent quite a bit of time roaming the store, playing with toys and talking. But my nephew never left the first display. While the rest of us were seeing what the store had to offer, my nephew was content to stay near the entrance the entire time.

My nephew will have plenty of time to visit other toy stores. He won’t be concerned with missing a few toys at that particular store. But that day reminded me of what happens to many spiritually curious people.

I understand the temptation to simply hangout near the entrance of faith. It’s enticing to stop and bask in the grace, never moving beyond that wonderful acceptance. But there is so much more to experience. So many more opportunities. So much more God wants to show us.

There is abiding peace, deep security, abundant joy, and an eternal relationship just beyond the entrance.

There are life changing moments, soul transforming experiences, and destiny altering adventures a little further in.

There is wisdom beyond understanding, healing beyond our capabilities, and love beyond our comprehension.

The New Testament illustrates this whole idea by stating that some Christians seem content with a bottle of milk, when there is a feast awaiting us.

Don’t miss all that He has for you. Don’t disregard all that He wants to do in you. Don’t ignore all that He wants to do through you. His blessings will overflow to others if you are close to Him.

Go further, dig deeper, draw closer to God.

His grace will welcome you in, His grace will lead you deeper, and His grace will transform everything along the way.

-Tom Wise