Tag Archives: Boundaries

Message In A Minute: Protect Your Peace

A few years ago, I was sitting in my car waiting to be shown a building by a realtor.

I was early for the appointment and thought I’d just wait in the vehicle. Listening to the news on the radio, I was generally distracted from anything happening on the street. I happened to look in the passenger side mirror and noticed a young woman jogging in my direction.

She noticed me sitting in the car and she crossed the street to get as far away from me as she could. It was obvious, she made a quick decision, and played it safe. I don’t blame her at all.

We were in a business district of the city and I’m sure it looked suspicious. A man sitting in his car, in a metered spot, not appearing to be in a hurry. This lady made a judgement about the situation and acted decisively. It would be ridiculous for me to be offended by her actions. I hope my daughter would do the same in that situation.

It was a smart move.

This is a good spiritual move as well.

There is nothing wrong with avoiding potentially harmful circumstances or people.

Here’s a quick example, I have a friend who temporarily had to avoid restaurants that served alcohol. He had committed to quit drinking completely and those places reminded him of his partying days. That was a wise decision. He can go to places like that now without a second thought, but he protected his journey in an appropriate way.

Stay away from places or circumstances that tempt, discourage, or threaten you.

Along with negative or dangerous circumstances, there are also toxic people in the world. Maybe you have one in your life, you may need to protect yourself from them by setting firm boundaries, or avoiding them altogether. That decision could be temporary or permanent, that’s up to you and God. You should love everybody, but it’s fine to love some people from a distance, especially if they habitually disrespect you.

You should avoid toxic situations or people if possible.

I don’t want to suggest that you live in fear, in fact, I want to convey the opposite of living fearful.

Live faithful.

Dedicate yourself to spiritual growth, emotional health, and commit to wise physical, spiritual, and emotional boundaries.

Thrive in the opportunities God provides you, enjoy His blessings in your life, and protect your peace.

Live your life in liberty and grace, and at the same time, avoid situations that could compromise your faith.

That is wisdom.

-Tom Wise