Message In A Minute: Wage Mercy

When I first became a Christian, there were some people who thought if you played certain albums backwards they had hidden evil messages.

The funny thing is, I know someone who played Highway to Hell by AC/DC backwards looking for a hidden message.

Did he ever listen to the song in the forward direction? The message isn’t hidden, its right there in the song. I’m not implying that the members of AC/DC are evil but the negative message wasn’t masked or covered up at all.

This to me sums up how religion can miss the point.

We look for hidden evil under every rock, we focus on evil, we complain about the darkness, but we overlook the obvious.

There is a battle going on, but we are called to wage mercy, not war. We can get caught up in fierce combat, but walk right past the casualties who need grace and love at this very moment.

You overcome evil by showing mercy, speaking truth, living peace, and offering grace.

Maybe there are hidden evils in certain places, but there are people hurting, lost, and alone who are not hidden from us.

Instead of fighting epic battles that make us feel vindicated. We should be like Jesus, who had time for individuals with great needs. He did warn of a Highway to Hell, but he spent time preparing the path to Heaven, and making sure those on the side of the road were healed, inspired, and included.

Fight for justice, wage mercy, and arm yourself with humility.

-Tom Wise

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