Message In A Minute : Truth Rises

I wish everybody had pure motives, but unfortunately that’s not true.

There are some people that will flat out lie about you to others. 

There are some that will manipulate words and emotions, some that always seem to tell just enough of a story to make themselves look good and you look bad.

They ruin friendships; drive a wedge in families and cause confusion and chaos everywhere they go.

There are many ways to deal with it, but the best way (not the easy way) is to let the truth rise over time. Time proves things out. It reveals character.

There may be times to confront and call out the manipulation. But in many cases, if you can be patient, time will present your best evidence.

The truth can be buried but it rises again.
The truth can be masked but it reveals itself in time.
The truth can be discarded but it always returns.

When you’re wrong admit it, and ask for forgiveness.
When you have been wronged be patient.

Time speaks truth.

-Tom Wise

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