Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash
Doing the right thing, is not always easy to do;
It is quite difficult, when others are hurtful to you.
But, do not give in, and do not take part;
For goodness is better, to rule your heart.
Take the higher ground, and be a better man;
Forgive and show mercy, that’s the master’s plan.
Hold your tongue young lady, and mind what you say;
Control your temper, and choose, the better way.
Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you;
This is what Jesus, has taught us to do.
So when push come to shove, think before you act;
Pause before you speak, and don’t fall in the trap.
The devil will scheme, to deceive you is his goal;
Be angry, be offended, this is what he has sold.
They deserve it, repay them for what they have done;
Hurt them like they hurt you, now doesn’t that, sound like fun.
It is tempting and God knows how you feel;
Bad men hurt his Son, and it was quite an ordeal.
But when all was said and done, and Jesus hung on the cross;
He was going to die, but not all was lost.
Forgive them, Jesus pleaded, for they know not what they do;
It was hard for Him, just the same as it is for you.
He had been treated poorly, He had done nothing wrong;
When this happens to you, stand and be strong.
Jesus is our example, He points to another path;
Follow Him even when you’re hurt and even when you’re mad.
This we must do, to change the world one day;
So help me to forgive, this is what I pray.
Jesus my Lord, I want to be like Him;
When I hurt and I struggle, and all looks grim,
I remember what Jesus has done for me;
He gave his life when He was nailed to the tree,
Now I can be all I was created to be;
I can smile and rejoice, for He has set me free.
-Larry Westfall