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And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.” Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

– Acts 2:40-42

When any person comes to faith in Christ, the question inevitably becomes, what now?  The book of acts describes the culture that these new converts had created for themselves to help them grow in their faith.

Learn From A Good Teacher

These early Christians suffer the same dilemma that all Christians face when they make the initial decision to follow Christ:  they must learn how to move forward.

One of the key factors to spiritual growth is good biblical teaching.  One of the best ways to learn the ins and outs of the Christian faith is to find a good teacher.  That’s why these new converts attached themselves to the Apostles and their teaching.

I would argue that, whether new or matured, getting involved in a church with a good preacher/teacher is essential to our spiritual growth.  By this I mean, actually showing up in person to participate in worship services and bible studies; and not watching online or listening to your favorite podcast.

As we will see next week, relationships are important.  Not just with each other, but with a pastor as well.  I would recommend that all of us find a church where we have some access to a pastor.

What We Believe Matters

Proverbs 23:7 says this, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”  What we believe matters.  This means that a church’s doctrines are the building blocks for the kind of ministry it will have.  What we believe to be true will manifest itself in our thoughts, actions, and words.

This is true for us individually and for us collectively as well.  What we believe will ultimately work its way outward to our actions and our words.  This is yet another reason why it is critical to find a good teacher.  One that works hard to learn, understand, and communicate the truth of Scriptures.

God Appoints Spiritual Teachers

So Christ himself gave the apostles, prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

– Ephesians 4:11-12 (NIV)

Spiritual teachers are important to the spiritual growth of the church.  So much so, that God has  personally called people to fill  these roles.  If God goes through the trouble of calling people to fill these roles, it stands to reason, that He wants us to learn from them.

The Attitude Of These New Converts

These folks were described as being steadfast.  This is a word that communicates much about the mindset of these early believers, and it is anything but passive.  When you read those few sentences, you cannot help but feel the weight of seriousness that envelopes their decision making.

Let me give you three ideas that are communicated with the word steadfast:

  1. Devotion.  They had attached themselves to the Apostles.  There was a commitment to show up and participate in listening and learning.
  2. Eagerness.  Every conversation and every encounter with the Apostles was filled with life changing potential.  Being hungry for this kind of change, made meeting with the disciples a priority.
  3. Perseverance.  There are always obstacles to overcome.  Instead of making excuses for not being able to participate, they showed up anyways; despite their feelings and/or their circumstances.

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