May you have the same mindset we find in this powerful prayer.
How blessed is this day, when earth and heaven are joined and humankind is reconciled to God!
May the light of Jesus shine continually to drive away all darkness.
May Christ, the Morning Star who knows no setting, find his light ever burning in our hearts—he who gives his light to all creation, and who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer -1979, the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
I hope you have a great Easter Sunday. I hope you are with family and friends. I hope you are filled with joy and peace.
Most of all, I hope you realize how the resurrection of Jesus changes everything.
Heaven and earth are reconciled, the creator and the creation are reconciled, God the Father and His children are reconciled.
The resurrection was not just an isolated event. It is not just something to look forward to when we pass away. In Christ we have the same power that raised Jesus from the grave living in us now.
You can overcome whatever it is that is holding you down, you can rise above regrets and fears, you can be renewed in every way. Today the power of the resurrection is available to us.
The resurrection happened, it will happen, and it is happening now.
Written by Tom Wise Copyright © Finding Wonder 2016