Every day we are faced with hundreds of choices. Some seem to be trivial with little to no consequence while others all but boast that they have the potential to change our way of life.
The truth is we cannot see the outcome for all of our decisions. What seems to be a trivial decision may later prove to be more consequential and what seems to be a grand decision may not really matter all that much.
What we can know for sure is that our decisions have eternal consequences even if we cannot immediately interpret the value or impact of the decision. That is why Jesus taught his disciples to pray this way:
Matthew 6:13…And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. (NIV)
God sees from a perspective that we cannot. The cry of our heart should be for him to protect us from those things we cannot see and to protect us from those things that have a tendency to pull us away from God.
No matter how big or how small, the decisions we make each day ripple through eternity. Ask God to lead you away from temptation and those things that would destroy you.
Written by Larry Westfall. Copyright © Finding Wonder 2013.