God wants to take care of your every need. (See Matthew 6:25-34)

Believing that God is our provider allows us to pray with a measure of faith and keeps us from worrying about things that are beyond our control.

Jesus instructed the Disciples to pray for their daily needs.

Matthew 6:11…Give us this day our daily bread.

Today’s truth is simple yet difficult at the same time.  God will take care of your needs if you will trust him to do so.  However, many of us have a hard time with that because we have a preferred path for God to meet those needs.

For example:  If you and your family are hungry and without money you might be praying for God to supply food or a meal for your family.  There are an infinite number of ways that God could respond to your need but, if you are unwilling to humble yourself to eat at the local mission you may miss out on God’s provision.

When we pray for our daily needs it is less about letting God know, because he already knows, and more about preparing our hearts to receive what he sets in motion.  God is faithful to meet your needs if you will be faithful to receive.  So share your heart with God and be open as he begins to work.

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