There are times in your life when things suddenly make sense. You see that relationship clearly, you know which job to pursue, you and your spouse actually know where you want to go eat that evening. Ok, the last one is a joke, but you get the idea. We call them epiphanies, revelations, or moments of clarity. We cherish those moments.

I believe the reason these moments stick out in our minds is, for the most part life is not so clear. In fact, life can be frustrating, overwhelming, and confusing. Stress, busy schedules, and mixed up priorities complicate our modern society. We have so much competing for our time and attention. Sometimes my life feels like a car on cruise control, but the speed is set way above the limit.

Whatever we want to call these moments of clarity, we should be thankful for them. We should be grateful for the moment we see reality for what it is. It’s a blessing. We should find ways to let it happen more often. Maybe we should slow down and re-evaluate things. Maybe we should schedule some time to ourselves. Maybe we should pray more often. Because, personally, I believe God gives us these moments of clarity.

God is likely speaking more than we are listening. I don’t mean audibly, I mean a still small voice in our heart and mind. He would love for us to have many more of those moments. Moments where we discover gifts inside of us, blessings in other people, and beauty in the weekly grind.

Have a sense of gratitude for those moments, I believe those moments point to a loving Father who always sees clearly.

May you have many moments of clarity, and may you be grateful for each one.

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