Modern Parable: A WHOLE NEW WAY

Thirty years ago, there was a self-centered boy.

Most that knew him, avoided him. While growing up he rarely treated anyone with respect. His parents were good people who tried to teach him love, honor and responsibility. He was often in trouble at school and his parents tried everything they could to correct his behavior.

The boy noticed that his mom had a large candle in a glass container on the living room mantle. She would light the candle in the morning, and blow it out every afternoon. He also noticed that his father had a CD with some old songs on it. His father would listen to that CD everyday on his way to and from work.

The boy thought his parents were weird.

The odd candle ritual annoyed him, the fact that his dad still used CDs annoyed him, his parents annoyed him.

Though his parents did the best they could raising him, the boy remained self-centered all the way through school. But on the night of his high school graduation, knowing that he would be leaving for college soon. His parents sat him down for a talk.

His mom handed him the candle which was now burned down to the bottom of the glass. He grabbed it and noticed that his name was written on a label near the bottom of the candle. His dad handed him the CD, the boy took the CD and noticed that “my boy” was written on the CD in permanent marker.

His father spoke first “son, I have listened to this CD of hymns on my way to and from work almost every day over the last 18 years. The whole time the music played, I prayed for you. I prayed God would guide you, protect you, and speak to you. I want you to have this.” Next his mother said “son, I have prayed for you while this candle burned for almost two decades. I thought about you every time I would light it. I prayed that you would be a great man, full of compassion and love.”

The boy was speechless.

Through his tears he could now see his parents in a whole new way. He also saw God in a new way from that day on, and his life changed dramatically.

This morning, while driving his daughter to school, this young man played a CD.

This afternoon when he brought her home, his wife blew out a candle.

He smiled, knowing the power of persistent love, resilient faith, and consistent prayer.

Written by Tom Wise © Finding Wonder 2013

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