31-Powerful-Prayers.jpgEvery person I know would change the world in some way if they could.  Most people I know would change others if they had the power to do so.

What about you?

Are you someone that would like to see the world become different or see people act in different ways?  Are you so passionate about it that you cry out to God to make it happen?

If so, I want to challenge you to pray the following prayer:

Lord, reform thy world, beginning with me. –Anonymous

If you want to change the world the best place to start is with you.  Be the person you would want others to be.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  Value the things you want others to value.  Love the way you want others to love.  Speak the way you want others to speak.  Forgive others the way you would want them to forgive you.  Give grace in the same way you would want to receive it.

I have heard it said that many people would like to change the world but few people are willing to change themselves to see it happen.

What about you?

Written by Larry Westfall.  Copyright © Finding Wonder 2016.

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