28 WaysIn this new series, Larry and I want to share with you 28 ways we’ve found to help you experience God.

“Experience God?”

That phrase is somewhat open to interpretation. It’s more or less religious language, similar to “grow closer to God” or “deepen your walk with God”.

Don’t let that scare you away. We want to include everyone. From the absolute skeptic, the curious, the new believer, to the mature Christ follower. God is interested in you, all of you.

Our intent is to suggest ways for you to grow in your spiritual life. Also, we want to encourage you start or renew your search for God. Lastly, we want you to know that God is pursuing you already.

Way #1 “Holding On” and “Letting Go”


To experience God we must make a decision to Hold On to certain things and Let Go of other things.

Some people hold on to the past too much, some let it go easily. Some people hold on to anxiety about the future, others can let it go. Some hold on to people or habits that aren’t good for them, some have learned to let go. Some hold on to people or habits that are great for them, others seem to find a way to let go.

As you commit to experience more of God this month, I’m asking you to consider:

· What things am I holding on to that are good for me?

· What things am I holding on to that are destructive for me?

· What are some things I could let go of that may make my life better?

You can hold Grace or Guilt, but not both at the same time.

You can hold Peace or Anxiety, both will try to take hold of you.

You can hold Faith or Fear, one is slow and steady, the other flashes in and out.

You can hold Love or Control, one assures, the other manipulates.

You can hold on to Hope or Helplessness, one gives life, the other takes it.

I will let you make the list of things that you need to let go of in your life. My list is quite long.

What I am asking you to do is prepare your heart and mind to experience God. It’s like giving God room to move in your life. Over the next 28 days we will share some practical ways to “take the next step” or “grow closer” and we hope they help you tremendously.

But right now, the most important thing is this:

Make the commitment to walk through this series with an open heart. And throughout the 28 days continue to ask God what you need to hold on to and what things you need to let go.

Be assured, His grace always holds on and His love never lets go.

Written by Tom Wise © Finding Wonder 2014

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