28 Ways To Experience God Since the beginning of creation humanity has been designed to need rest.  The bible tells us that God took six days to create all that we know and on the seventh day he rested.  In turn we as his creation are instructed to observe rest on the Sabbath day.

However, far too often, we get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect getting the rest that we need.  God gives further instruction for those of us that find ourselves in this situation.

Matthew 11:28…28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

When we neglect getting the rest we were designed to have then our physical bodies begin to respond negatively.  This in turn effects our spiritual journey as well.

God tells us that when we begin to recognize our need for rest all we have to do is come to him and he will give us the rest we need.  He will in essence begin to restore us when we press the pause button.

If we want to experience the restoration of God then we need to learn how to rest.

Written by Larry Westfall.  Copyright © Finding Wonder 2014.

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